Why are my Excel exports limited to 1000 lines?

You try exporting a report to an Excel file; the first 1000 rows are exported, but by the end there is a row that says (for example) "...233 rows missing. Please increase maximum XLS rows allowed for exporting."

Since an XLS file can hold up to 65536 lines per sheet, new limitations have been implemented to avoid errors during export.

  • The first limitation is that XLS exports cannot export more than 65536 lines per sheet. In case of a document going over that limit, a line will be added at the end of the document that lets the user know that some data is missing.
  • To avoid tables taking up most of the row limit for the sheet, all tables have been limited to 1000 lines by default.
    This limit can be changed by editing the following system parameter (you can find it in Explore system parameters): default.maxRowsXls=1000
    Of course changing this property will not override the hard 65536 row limit on the sheet.
If your report exceeds the 65536 rows limit, we recommend dividing the Report Page in multiple pages, that will be exported in separate sheets, so as to avoid the maximum row limit.