The latest QueueMetrics major release happened on October 2019. While we are working on the next major release, we continuously maintained the current release and made a number of fixes that resolve bugs, improve performance and address security concerns.

Generally speaking, as this is maintenance on an existing release, no breaking changes or major new features are involved; updating should be quite natural. About 40 issues have been fixed, most of which involve the new graphics that was deployed in 19.10. A few security issues have been fixed too, both in external dependencies and within the product itself; update is very much suggested if your system is accessible externally.

The only major visible change is an updated WebRTC softphone, that is now way more powerful but totally retro-compatible.

The new version to install is 19.10.21 or newer, available both as an RPM for easy install via yum update, TGZ for manual install or a Docker image.

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